
Assistant professor at the University of Twente
Dr Iris van Sintemaartensdijk is an assistant-professor at the University of Twente. Her research focuses on understanding and changing behaviour through technology. For both criminals and potential victims she aims to find out how they might get involved in crime and how to prevent this from happening. She studies resillience to cybercrime, the use of AI for crime prevention and VR to train potential guardians. Within the realm of space crime she uses VR to create potential scenarios of crimes happening in outer space, to see how people respond to these scenarios. Keywords Behaviour, virtual reality (VR), crime, criminology, cybercrime, prevention
Lecturer in Criminology at
York St John University
Dr Jack Lampkin is a Lecturer in Criminology at York St John University, UK. He is a leading academic in the areas of space criminology and astro-green criminology. A former police officer in the UK with West Yorkshire Police, Jack has both specialist practical knowledge of policing and criminal justice, as well as a keen interest in human interactions with outer space. Jack is the author of several academic publications in the field of space crime, the most influential of which is his book “Space Criminology,” published in 2023 alongside award-winning Australian Professor Rob White from the University of Tasmania. Keywords Space crime, green criminology, astro-green criminology, space junk, space mining.
Associate Professor in Public Administration at VU University Amsterdam
Yarin Eski is an assistant professor in Public Administration, doing research on and at the intersection of criminology, governance and policing. He is co-director of the Resilience, Security and Civil Unrest (ReSCU) R&I Lab at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. His research focuses on maritime crime and policing, as well as arms dealing, genocide and space crime and control. At the Oxford Academic Policing: a Journal of Policy and Practice, he is an editorial member. Keywords Policing, maritime security, port crime, space crime and control, ethnography

Lecturer and researcher at the University of Eastern Finland
Dr Giulio Calcara's research focuses on transnational criminal law, human rights, international police cooperation, and INTERPOL. Additionally, he researches policing and the legal frameworks governing policing in areas where no state can claim sovereignty, such as the high seas and outer space. He has acted as an expert on international police cooperation, policing, and human rights in several instances and has given interviews on these matters for international media such as the Wall Street Journal and the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Keywords Transnational criminal law, international police cooperation, human rights, policing outer space
Researcher at the University of Oxford
Dr Emilia Ziosi is a Researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Oxford. She recently completed her PhD in Studies on Organized Crime at the University of Milan and was a Visiting PhD Student at the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), University of London, from February 2021 to June 2022. Her research interests include the relations between organised crime, the state and civil society and the interconnections between legal and illegal governance. Emilia is also interested in environmental crime both on Earth and in outer space. She holds a BSc in Economics and Management from the University of Trento, Italy, and a MSc in Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security from the University of Essex, UK. Keywords Criminal governance, organised crime, green criminology, space crime, decolonial geographies
Aerospace and Lead Robotics Engineer at Stellar Space Industries and TU Delft
Maneesh Kumar Verma is a highly experienced aerospace engineer with over a decade of experience in the aerospace sector. He has expertise in space systems engineering, robotics, and mission operations. He is currently the Lead Robotics Engineer at Stellar Space Industries and working at TU Delft, where he conducts analogue missions with robots, focusing on Human Machine Interaction and overall impact of overall mission operations. Keywords Robotics, HMI, Analogue Missions, Rovers, MBSE

Public Administration Master student at VU University Amsterdam
Mark Reijndorp is a Master student in the field of Public Administration currently writing his thesis on the topic of interpersonal crime in space, focussed on future policy for commercial space travel. As a former lecturer in Aviation Operations with a focus on Rules and Regulations he has extensive knowledge on the existing institutions and frameworks in commercial aviation. In his research he uses existing aviation and maritime legislation as a base for future space policy. His goal is to continue his research into interpersonal space crime after he finishes his Masters degree coming January. Keywords Aviation Rules & Regulation, Space crime, Space Governance, Commercial Space Travel, Space Policy
Director of Future Based
Sabine Winters is a freelance philosopher of science, with a strong focus on philosophy of space. Furthermore, Sabine is the founder and director of Future Based, an interdisciplinary philosophy platform through which she organizes meetups and publishes podcasts and articles. From January to July 2023 Sabine has conducted research as a philosopher in residence on the role of imagination at ESA ESTEC Advanced Concept Team. Subsequently, she is proceeding this research as a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Utrecht. * Through research and further study, Sabine aims to specialize further in the philosophy of space science, with the goal of bringing more philosophy to the space industry. Keywords Imagination, philosophy of space, epistemology, interdisciplinary research, philosophy of science
Director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University
Brian Patrick Green is the director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University and teaches AI ethics in Santa Clara University’s Graduate School of Engineering. His work focuses on the ethics of space exploration and use, AI ethics, technology ethics, the ethics of risky emerging technologies, and the relationship of technology and religion. Green has worked with the World Economic Forum, Partnership on AI, the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education, and technology companies ranging from startups to the largest. Keywords Ethics, space ethics, technology ethics, AI ethics

Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Criminology at the University of Tasmania, Australia
Prof Dr Rob White is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Criminology at the University of Tasmania, Australia. Along with Jack Lampkin, he is co-author of Space Criminology (Palgrave Macmillan). He has written extensively in the areas of criminology, youth studies and eco-justice. Among his other recent books are Advanced Introduction to Applied Green Criminology (Edward Elgar) and Theorising Green Criminology (Routledge). He is also author of the (unpublished) science fiction novel Slingshot Saga, to which he is currently writing a sequel. Keywords Ecocide, eco-justice, environmental harm, green criminology, space criminology
Professor at Florida Atlantic University
Dawn L. Rothe is a Professor at Florida Atlantic University. Her research interests are grounded in issues of power and inequality with a particular focus on crimes of the powerful (state crimes, corporate crimes, state-corporate crimes, etc.) and neoliberalism, all of which undergird the race to space and space expansionism in its many facets. She is the author or co-author of thirteen books, including her most recent, Crimes of the Powerful: White-Collar Crime, The Violence of Neoliberalism: Crime, Harm and Inequality, and her forthcoming book, Space Expansionism: The Emerging Terrain of Crime, Harm, and Violence (Routledge), and over 100 peer-reviewed articles in leading journals and book chapters. Keywords Crimes of the Powerful, Neoliberalism, Race to Space, Space Expansionism, Environmental Crimes
Professor and Chair of the School of Justice Studies at Eastern Kentucky University
Victoria E. Collins is Professor and Chair of the School of Justice Studies at Eastern Kentucky University. Victoria’s research interests include crimes of the powerful, state crime, white collar and corporate crime, neoliberalism, and victimology, all areas that inform the study of space expansionism. Victoria has published four books, the most relevant to the study of space expansionism being The Violence of Neoliberalism: Crime, Harm and Inequality and her forthcoming book, Space Expansionism: The Emerging Terrain of Crime, Harm, and Violence. Some of Victoria’s recent publications have appeared in journals such as The British Journal of Criminology, The Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime, Critical Criminology, and Critical Sociology. Keywords Crimes of the powerful, state crime, neoliberalism, space expansionism

Chair in Global Law and SETI Policy at Durham University
Michael Bohlander is the Chair in Global Law and SETI Policy at Durham University. His research has spanned German, English, comparative and international criminal law, the judiciary and the legal profession, Islamic law, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). His current main focus is on the relationship between SETI and human law. He focuses especially on the implications of the possibility of hostile first contact for the laws of armed conflict and the ensuing re-conceptualisation of the planetary defence framework, as well as the question of which global values humanity would be willing to trade for access to advanced technology from an ETI or interstellar civilisation network. He is a member of the scientific advisory council of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrial Studies of Würzburg University (Germany), of the UK SETI Research Network, the SETI Post-Detection Hub at St Andrews University, of the German ETI Research Network "Außerirdische Intelligenz", and of the International Institute of Space Law. As a legal practitioner, he serves as the International Co-Investigating Judge at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, and he was a judge at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers from 2017 - 2022. Keywords SETI, human law, first contact, human species consciousness, UAP
Senior system engineer at Patria Aviation and a PhD student at National Defence University Finland
Arttu Tiainen is a senior system engineer at Patria Aviation and a PhD student at National Defence University Finland, currently working with military radio applications and studying the topic of "Cyber and electronic warfare threats against space systems". He has worked with multiple space missions, most notably as a senior mission manager for SAR satellites. He is very interested in humanitarian and environmental use of traditionally military domain space capabilities, such as signal intelligence sensors and synthetic aperture radars. Keywords Counterspace, Electronic warfare, Signal intelligence, synthetic aperture radars
Professor Emeritus at Chandigarh University
Prof Dr Gurbachan Sachdeva is one of the pioneer scholars on Space Law in India. Writing on the subject for the last four decades, has eight books to his credit and over sixty articles in edited books and law journals in India and abroad. Has Masters in Economics from Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, Law graduation from Nagpur University, Nagpur (Gold Medallist) and Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Currently, Professor Emeritus, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India, Adjunct Professor, NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad and Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS), New Delhi. Formerly, Adjunct Professor, School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi. Keywords International Space Law, Space Crimes, Outer Space Treaty, Social Justice. Extradition/Jurisdiction under International Law, Space Governance

PhD-candidate at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR)
Valérie Pijlman, MSc, is a PhD-candidate at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) in Amsterdam. Her research is inspired by her educational background in Clinical Psychology (MSc) and Victimology (MSc), and focuses on the help-seeking behavior of victims of sexual violence. Her focus is on those victimized in cyberspace by forms of image-based sexual harassment and abuse, and barriers and facilitators victims encounter in seeking help from informal and/or formal sources. With this, she aims to promote help-seeking by supporting changes in healthcare and policy. Keywords Image-Based Sexual Violence, Cybervictimization, Victimology, Cybercrime, Help-Seeking
Kartik Agrawal
Lawyer at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas
Kartik Agrawal is a lawyer at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas. His areas of interests broadly include corporate, finance & fintech laws (AI, DLT, NFTs & Crypto). With keen interest in academic research culminating from diverse experiences of internships, research assistantships and meaningful conversations with colleagues and mentors, Kartik wishes to push the boundaries of Academia towards evolving areas of niche laws. He has developed a taste for International Law of Outer Space. He has undertaken projects to expand his horizon in working of space law with special emphasis on space debris, environmental studies, and international law. Keywords Space debris, environmental studies, and international law
Sarah Poss
PhD candidate in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Sarah Poss, MSc, is a PhD candidate and junior lecturer at Vrije Universiteit’s Politics, Economics, and Philosophy (PPE) program at the John Stuart Mill College. Her research considers how states respond to anthropogenic existential threats, focusing on US foreign policy toward the Arctic region. With a background in international relations, international (geo)political economy, and energy politics, she aims to understand how existential risks that arose from technological advancement and state-led development are addressed by the great powers that presided over their emergence. Keywords Geopolitics, Existential Risk, US Foreign Policy, Arctic Studies

Lawyer/Trainee Solicitor at Foot Anstey
Halo Garrity is a lawyer in the UK. She initially completed a degree in American and Canadian Studies between the University of Birmingham and the University of California Berkeley before focusing on U.S Foreign Policy, specifically the evolution of psychological warfare, for her Research Master of Philosophy. The next decades working in the public and third sector gave her a keen focus on the ramifications of inequal resource distribution and environmental responsibility. After completing a Masters in Law and Legal Practice followed by the Legal Practice Course she began work as a trainee solicitor with a focus on space law. Halo has written about the interplay between international and national legislation in space, enforcement of regulatory frameworks, the space environment with a focus on space debris, and national security implications for space company structures. She has a particular interest in space-specific novel crimes and the creation of regulatory and enforcement mechanisms to combat them. Keywords Space piracy, space law, international law, space crime and control
Research Professor in Criminology at Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Dr José Luis Carpio-Domínguez is a Research Professor in Criminology at Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT). He holds a B.Sc. in Criminology, M.Sc. in Criminology and Forensic Sciences, Ph.D. in Social Sciences with orientation in Sustainable Development and Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences. He is member of the Mexican Society of Criminology (SOMECRIM), the Green Criminology Specialist Group of CEESP-IUCN, Member of the Research National System (SNII-1) and the Thematic Network of Forensic Sciences of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (CONAHCyT). He is the author of several academic publications including the book "Green criminology for Mexico. Development of a green perspective on Mexico's criminological heritage" (2023) and co-organises the Inter-institutional Seminar on Green Criminology in Mexico since 2022. Keywords Green Criminology, prevention, environmental crimes, public safety, vulnerable groups
Emeritus Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at Toin Univeristy of Yokohama, Japan
Noriyoshi Takemura is Emeritus Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at Toin University of Yokohama, Japan. He is a founder of astro-green criminology as well as a pioneer of green criminology. He established the Astro-Green Criminology Research Center in 2011. He has written many articles, books on astro-green criminology, green criminology, chaos/complexity criminology, theoretical criminology, and so on. He has been continuing the 'adventurous research in green criminology', having visited many places in environmental crisis around the world. His next targets are outer and deep spaces and his research plan is progressing. Keywords Astro-green criminology, space energy-and-resource control, extraterresterial super intelligence, Fermi Paradox, Drake Equation, Dyson Sphere, Kardashev Scale, quantum entanglement